2015 Madras Urban Revitalization Action Plan - Open House

This fall, the City of Madras is looking for your input on how to improve downtown Madras as part of an updated action plan. What kinds of investments should the City make? What incentives should be available for business owners and potential investors? How can the downtown community play a part? You can help us answer these questions.

Open House: November 2 from 4-6 PM at City Hall (125 SW "E" Street)

The City of Madras has been in the process of updating its action plan for the City’s urban renewal area. Join us for an open house where we’ll be looking for your input on how to improve our downtown. We want to hear what you have to say about:

What kinds of investments the City should make to encourage private investment downtown
What incentives should be made available for business owners
How the downtown community can play a part in Madras' future development 

Please download the attached flyer attached to this page.

You are welcome to RSVP to receive reminders of the event and so we can make sure to have enough refreshments. Sign up for the open house. (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/madras-downtown-action-plan-open-house-tick...) Walk-ins are also welcome!

Delicious refreshments will be provided!

Project Background

In 2006, the City of Madras adopted its first Urban Revitalization Action Plan that helped to guide investments related to the urban renewal area that was adopted in 2002. This plan described a set of projects to meet the City's economic development objectives by rehabilitating historic structures, redeveloping key sites, improving transportation and utility facilities, constructing public facilities, and creating public amenities.


In the past ten years, the City has made a multitude of key investments in property acquisition, building façade improvements, infrastructure improvements, and parks and open space improvements. The City has spent $3.4 million of its $14 million urban renewal budget on projects in our community. Fiscal Year 2015-2016 will be the first year since 2010 that property values in the commercial district are projected to increase. Additional tax increment revenues are also projected in the district.


It’s now time to revisit the plan’s priorities and provide a roadmap for the urban renewal agency’s work going forward. The key question for this plan update is: “What can the urban renewal agency (and other partners) do to best encourage private investment in downtown Madras?”

More Information

If you would like more information, or would like to have a one-on-one conversation with the project team, please get in touch with Nick Snead at 541.323.2916 or nsnead@ci.madras.or.us