Fairgrounds Sewer Extension

Bid/RFP Status: 
Open - accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - 2:00pm

Fairgrounds Sewer Extension

City of Madras (“City”) is issuing this Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) to invite bids from contractors to bid on the Fairgrounds Road Sewer project, which work will include, without limitation, installation of 8-inch public sewer main with manholes and services including excavation, aggregate base for roadwork, HMAC patching, and right of way vegetation establishment.  The sewer main is installed in existing agricultural fields which are currently being utilized and will not be available until September 2, 2024.  Work within those fields cannot occur until after September 2, 2024.  Work shall be substantially completed by December 20, 2024. 


Sealed bids (the “Bid(s)”) will be accepted by Jeffrey Hurd, Public Works Director, at the Madras City Hall, 125 SW “E” Street, Madras, OR 97741, until 2:00 pm, on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 (the “Closing”), at which time and place bidding will be closed, and the Bids opened and read.  All times are as shown on the City Recorder’s Clock, located in the City Hall front office.  No Bid will be received after the Closing.  In addition to all other requirements contained in this ITB, each bidder is required to submit a First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Form, as required by ORS 279C.370, in a separate envelope within two (2) hours of the Closing.  City will reject a Bid if the bidder fails to submit the required disclosure form by this deadline.  Each Bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope and marked: Fairgrounds Road Sewer Extension Project

Plans, specifications, addenda and notifications of bid results for this project may be viewed or bid set acquired for a fee at the Premier Builders Exchange, (phone 541-389-0123).  Plans, specifications and addenda may also be viewed, online at http://www.premierbx.com, then click on “Posted Projects.” Bids may also be viewed and downloaded from the City of Madras website https://www.ci.madras.or.us/rfps.  Bidders are responsible for checking with the Madras Public Works Department (541-475-2344) for the issuance of any addenda prior to submitting a bid.  The Contractor is responsible for all addenda/changes to the documents and will be considered non-responsive if the Contractor’s bid does not reflect those addenda/changes.

Technical questions regarding the project, or requests for clarification or change, must be directed to Jeffrey Hurd, City of Madras Public Works Dept., 125 SW “E” Street, Madras, OR 97741; phone (541) 325-0309; fax (541) 475-1038.  Technical questions, requests for clarification or change, and/or bid protests must be received by 4:00 p.m., Thursday, July 25, 2024

City will hold a non-mandatory pre-bid conference at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at City of Madras City Hall located at 125 SW E Street, Madras.  Statements made by City's representatives at the conference are not binding upon City unless confirmed by written addendum.

Each Bid must contain a certification declaring the bidder’s residency status, as defined in ORS 279A.120.  In determining the lowest responsive bid, City will, in accordance with OAR 137-046-0310, add a percentage increase to the Bid of a nonresident bidder equal to the percentage, if any, of the preference given to the bidder in the state in which the bidder resides.

The successful bidder must comply with the Oregon Public Contracting Code (ORS chapters. 279A, 279B and 279C) and City’s public contracting rules, as all are amended from time to time, in the performance of the work. 

The project is a public works project subject to the state prevailing wage rates under ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870, the federal prevailing wage rates under the Davis Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141 et seq.).  The selected contractor must pay the higher of the two during construction.  The wage rates will also be included in the Contract Specifications. Wage rates may be viewed at: https://www.oregon.gov/boli/employers/Pages/prevailing-wage-rates.aspx.  Davis Bacon information may be obtained at https://wdolhome.sam.gov/.  Contractors are directed to Exhibit D to the Bid Documents for additional information.